
Induce diuresis to treat stranguria, remove dampness.


A. Stranguria

It is good at clearing damp-heat in lower-energizer, and inducing diuresis to treat stranguria. It is usually indicated for urolithic stranguria and heat stranguria, such as with Mu TongQu Mai and Che Qian Zi in Ba Zheng San from Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji J u Fang. For blood stranguria, it should be combined with blood-heat-clearing and bleeding-stopping herbs, such as Da JiXiao Ji and Bai Mao Gen.

B. Eczema and vulvae pruritus, damp-heat jaundice

It has the action of removing damp-heat to relieve itching and is indicated for vulva pruritus and eczema, damp-sore due to damp-heat accumulation in lower-energizer. It could be used singly or decocted with Di Fu ZiShe Chuang Zi and Jing Jie, etc., for external washing. It is also indicated for jaundice of damp-heat type with its action of clearing damp-heat. It should be combined with the dampness-drying and jaundice-treating herbs such as Yin Chen Hao and Zhi Zi, etc.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 9~15g. Double the dosage when use the raw one. Proper dosage is for external application.

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