Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalizing our hidden feelings.

I conjured this powerful pendant 333 times for the following

Connect you with the angelic realm

Make powerful

Enhance your self-esteem

Enhance your inner beauty

Connect you with your own self

Be an excellent meditation tool

Manifest your affirmations faster

Make you more beautiful

Make you more attractive

Create a wall of protection towards you

Give you peace and Inner strenght

















See my other listings for more great items!

You can pay by PayPal and by Stripe with much major credits cards, no refunds are accepted in our store.

We will process your order in 5 business days depending on the item or package. Each list specified the time will take.

We do not refund, after 30 days if any of your packages does not work or you need extra help we will repeat our entire process for free one more time. Each individual is different, one spell can work for someone in one week and for others in a month or more, depending on difficulty and the individual process. If you are not a believer, if you think magic works by itself with the power of just the spirits or the caster, you are wrong any kind of magic work thru you. No magic is permanent, that's why you buy spells every month, magic lasts depending on the person mindset, the power of the caster, and how it works thru your aura. One person can pay one spell and work the next day, and the other person comes and buy the same spell but does not work fast why? because each case and individual are different and last in your system and life in a different way. If you are positive, calm and you have a lot of faith spells will work ten times faster and better. Does not matter it is a manipulative spell or any kind of white and dark magic with spirits and without them. That's why it is not such a 100% guarantee, you buy from the spiritual world in your own risk. Angel7spa guarantee you that we will be honest and do the best work. We do not care to go as far as we can to help you. Contact us always.

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