This highly prized vessel is enchanted with the various magicks of 10 Angelic Kings and Queens.  Marked with the sigils on the inside and out for this type of request vessel, it also comes equipped with a specially anointed candle and the vessel is lined with different herbs, plants, and flowers in correspondence to each of the 10 Angelic Kings and Queens.  With all of this, the vessel is ready to receive the wishes of the individual.  Whoever shall come to own this relic will need only to write their most genuine and greatest desires upon a clean sheet of parchment (included with the vessel); their name signed or initialed at the bottom, rolled up and placed in the vessel.  The candle is to then be lit and placed atop the vessel and allowed to burn for at least ten minutes.  The wishes and desires shall be carried to the Angelic Kings and Queens for them to dispatch their legions, bringing your words and thoughts to life.  As the Angelic Kings and Queens are ever watchful and quick to assist their Callers, this is one relic that will be a great equalizer as well as an incredible boon.