The Ancient Egyptians, Life in the Nile Valley by Viviane Koenig and Veronique Ageorges

Grade:  3-6

Summary:  Here's a fascinating look at world history through the lives and times of people who lived centuries ago in foreign worlds. Come take a journey into the everyday life of these ancient citizens.

Thousands of years ago, a culture began to form in the valleys alonside the Nile River in North Africa. The soil surrounding the Nile was unusually fertile and crops were plentiful. The wide mouth of the river became a giant roadway on which people, goods, and ideas flowed freely. to the ancient Egyptinas, the Nile was a god. Certainly, it was the wellspring from which their civilization grew.

This book details the daily lives of the ancient Egyptians in the Nile Valley, describing their work, clothing, schools, social, economic, and religious traditions. You will meet skilled craftsmen and artists. You will learn the importance of writing and knowledge to their culture. And, you will see the ever present figure of the pharaoh who ruled over the kingdom. The tremendous buildings, stories, and many gods who peopled this land merge together with the lives of the inhabitants to create a far richer culture than even the soil from which it sprang.