French Artist AL WETTEL d.1957 “Old Doorway Tasco” Print of a watercolor 8x11 on off-white matting 11x16. I obtained this litho print* from the estate of artist David Charles Gustafson b.1917est, d.2014, a San Pedro watercolor artist [and recipient of 5 purple hearts in the Army WWII, attend USC for a degree in art and taught at Cabrillo was Principal at schools in LA Unified School District]. They may have known each other and have similar loose styles. Would look great with brutalist style. Appears the appraised value would be around $250 - read further: From the soho blog, more provenance: My mother is
Al Mettel's daughter; I am his grandson. I can answer some questions.He died when I was 7 (1957) *He actually was responsible for a process which reproduced watercolor prints based upon an old press he modified which he had found during his years in Europe. At the time he was working painting many of the works mentioned here. -Timothy Warner 2013 Al Mettel was known for his artistic depictions of churches. His artwork was printed by the hundreds or even thousands by Brown & Bigelow (his employer) each year for promotional calendars and Christmas Season or other holiday give-aways. 2009 Replying to #52 Kurt Lindquiust: I have the same piece, appraised in 2000 @$250. Description: A. L. Mattel early, (European 20th century) lithograph of town view - 1935. I have not had appraisal updated. Piece came to us at death of my father-in-law. We believe it along with a similar piece were given to him at his wedding in 1935. There is a family picture that showed the 2 hanging on the wall in the background. So it seems to me that some of the people who bought his works at yard sales may have found very good deals! I am related to Al Mettel by marriage although he had died before I was born. My mother remembers him well. He was not only a great artist but a great man. My brother met an art student at the University of Michigan who was studying his work. If I remember correctly he came from France and originally did etchings. My mother has some originals. In later years he got into watercolors. He often gave sets of his prints to people for Christmas or Birthday gifts so if you have those in your family someone must have known him personally. Nancy 2006 5 prints by Al Mettel. The Arch of San Francisco, Notre Dame de Montreal, Mission Dolores, Havana Cathedral, and Borda Church were all mounted on an off-white matting and several have "onion-skin" paper describing the painting and a Christmas greeting card attached at the upper left corner, just kind of loose so it can be lifted off of the picture. |