Flowers in Blue was the result of a challenge to use analogous colors, that is, shades next to each other on a color wheel, with the added piece to create a sense of tension or energy. This had me thinking at first that warm/hot colors were called for, but my design didn't match my stash nor my method of working, so mid-week I switched to pulling out other fabrics and letting them tell me how to put them together. Thus, I came up with the purple/blue/green shades, and using a strong blue for the background helped in adding a cool energy. I added lines of beads in the two lighter purple sections and in the larger two blue floral parts, and a scattering of individual beads in the green part to make a further pattern contrast.



My artwork is mounted on foam core, which creates a light-weight but rigid piece with a wire for hanging and  a felt backing. It is treated with a sun-block spray, although prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may eventually cause fading.