This is a very powerful and one-of-a-kind offering from our elite collection!
This is pure white arts and divine magic. It cannot be used for revenge and mind control.
This ring contains the spiritual essence and powers of millions of angels, archangels, seraphs and khodams.
This is PURE DIVINE MAGIC. Upon wearing this ring, it will IMMEDIATELY forge a spiritual bond and soul pact between the entities in the ring and you. You will be able to see them clearly and establish two way communication with them using the ring. This ring radiates with pure white energy. Just by touching it, it will send rays of healing and calming energies into your body. It works as a transfiguration relic with ultimate power, because the angels will channel their spiritual powers into you to transfigure your mind, body and soul into a DIVINE GOD OR GODDESS. You will be truly divine and immortal and possess angelic powers.
As an added enchantment, the angelic beings wanted us to enchant it to be a dimensional portal between the Heavens and Earth. They will be able to visit you every day and help you, give you advice, guidance, etc. And you will also be able to astral project and travel through the dimensional gate to the Heavens.
We will include you the ring, a channeling stone, various herbs, incense, candles, a sigil scroll to help you connect and work with the angelic beings and all these in a beautifully carved wooden vessel. The wooden vessel is enchanted to be an open vortex to the Heavens and will passively channel it's energies into your ritual room and you will be able to channel it's energies and powers into your spells and rituals.
The user of this ring will obtain...
Good Health
Healing Powers
Success in ALL Fields
Extreme Wealth
Divine Powers
The Power To Channel Angelic Energies And Powers
Astral Projection
Increased Psychic Powers
Eternal Life And Immortality
Eternal Youth
Reverse Aging
Find Your Soul Mate
Total Immunity Against Illnesses, Diseases, Curses, Black Magic Attacks
Ascension And Soul Travel To Other Planes
Open Third Eye
Time Travel
Ancient Knowledge And Power
Super Intelligence
Speak With Supernatural Entities
And much more...
Do you feel connected to this ring? Do you wish to work with angelic beings and become a Divine God or Goddess?