Your Pregnancy Questions and Answers by Glade B. Curtis, M.D., OB/GYN and Judith Schuler, M.S., Softback

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Of the millions of women who become pregnant this year, thousands will be too shy to ask their obstetrician certain questions about the pregnancy or will forget to ask an urgent question during an office visit. Still other women will want to know everything about their condition.

The format of this book enables all of these women to read selectively and find answers to their questions, quickly and easily. Its tone is as compassionate as it is wise. Reading this book is like having a one-on-one office visit with your obstetrician-one in which you have all the time you need to pose the questions you really want to ask.

With the latest medical information and more tips than ever for making pregnancy as comfortable as possible, this revised edition of Your Pregnancy Questions & Answers provides friendly, straightforward information women trust. Questions are organized by topic, and the questions that the authors have most frequently heard over the years are highlighted for easy reference.

Chapters include:* preparing for pregnancy* tests during pregnancy for mother and baby* common medications* changes in mother and baby during pregnancy* partnership issues during the pregnancy* problems and warning signs* labor and delivery* feeding baby

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