This is a very unusual looking Spreading Moss plant that forms the sweetest looking mat of the pictured foliage that looks like a mini Norfolk Island Pine.
You can start these for your own little patch out in a shady area or keep them inside for a nice terrarium plant. They make a curious addition to indoor gardens, which makes for a nice conversation piece.
The top growth is about 6-12 inches tall above the soil line. All you do is just spread the spores on moist starter soil surface as per directions, avoid letting the soil dry out, and watch them take off. This plant features rich emerald green stems of primitive looking leaves that look absolutely lovely in small plant pots and terrariums.
This trouble free houseplant has good endurance, and can take low light conditions like a grain of salt. So if you're looking for a plant with real taste appeal, then the shining club moss Lycopodium plant is the right plant for you. Plus whether you keep them inside of out, you will have to comfort of knowing that you have a rare and unusual plant.
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