13 oz - 5 Freshly Dug COMFREY ROOTS/TUBERS/Seedlings Ready To Plant

You Will Receive At Least 13oz -5 Healthy and Sturdy Comfrey Tubers (Roots) freshly dug from my garden with some leaves that will be packed in moist towels in plastic ready to be planted and weigh 13oz In Package Shipped First Class Mail

Comfrey is an excellent healing herb for salves, ointments, balms, tea(with care) and is an Incredible Fertilizer Maker-Speeds up composting! Just put wilted Leaves into the compost pile or set them around your rows of plantings and cover with a little soil. They heat up as they decay and create their own compost.

*Warning*Comfrey Is Very invasive even grows jungle-like in my garden. ***Please Keep Contained***. I planted just one plant from the herb nursery about 6 years ago in my garden and it has spread all over the whole garden-pops up everywhere each year, more & more. (don't be like me-plant it in a pot in the ground or in a separate area) :-) It makes a very nice spring to winter lush planting in a cemented in flower garden.

The leaves and roots may look wilted or squished but I assure you, even a small piece of root put into water will grow roots and start a plant. With plenty of water, comfrey will grow leaf starts in a few weeks and then they will grow up to 3' tall (or more) with beautiful pink bell shaped flowers. The leaves get to be over 1 foot long x 7" wide in my garden when left to grow.

And, my goat Loves Them!


Please Email Me With Any Questions About Planting Or Using Comfrey! Thank You For Your Interest


Pacesetter Eclectica