ALADDIN, or The Wonderful Lamp And Other Stories 

Philadelphia: Henry Altemus, 1905

A fine copy in stamped boards, in it is original dust jacket. The jacket has some tape on the rear jacket panel, as shown and also in the flap edge. A piece of cello tape is also on the front jacket panel upper edge as shown. This 112 year-old children's book in its jacket is very rare. It is one of the Altemus "Mother Goose Series" books and lists 12 titles on the rear jacket panel. 

Color frontis and the book is filled with black and white line drawings. Interior pages are very good. Name written in and inked out on the second free blank page as shown.

The book has other fairy tale stories and poems in it. I have taken a few photos of them to look at. 

Thank you,

John Anthony Miller
Phantom Bookshop
Ventura, CA