What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Mendocino and Lake Counties and their people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1914.




Mendocino and Lake Counties, California




The leading men and women of the County, who have been identified with its growth and development from

the early days to the present.


History By

Aurelius O. Carpenter and Percy H. Millberry









1045 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


CHAPTER I. - Organization and Legislative History of Mendocino County

CHAPTER II. - Anderson Township

CHAPTER III. - Arena Township

CHAPTER IV. - Big River Township

CHAPTER V. - Ten Mile Township

CHAPTER VI. - Ukiah Township

CHAPTER VII. - Potter Valley Township

CHAPTER VIII. - Sanel Township

CHAPTER IX. - Round Valley Township

CHAPTER X. - Long Valley Township

CHAPTER XI. - Cuffey's Cove Township

CHAPTER XII. - Little Lake Township

CHAPTER XIII. - Westport Township

CHAPTER XIV. - Early History of Lake County

CHAPTER XV. - First White Settlers in Lake County

CHAPTER XVI. - Organization op the County

CHAPTER XVII. - Lakeport and Other Towns

CHAPTER XVIII. - Some op the Resources of Lake County

CHAPTER XIX. - Officials, Schools, Churches and Fraternities



Abramson, Adamson, Akins, Albonico, Aldrich, Allen, Alley, Allison, Anderson, Andreani, Anker, Annette, Armstrong, Aulin, Babcock, Baechtel, Baker,  Balderston, Balfour, Ball,  Banks, Barnard,  Barnes, Bartlett, Baylis, Beggs, Behr, Berkowitz, Bernhard, Berrettini,  Berry, Berryhill, Biaggi, Biggar, Biggerstaff, Bingham,  Bishop, Bittenbender,  Blosser, Boardman, Boggs, Boggs, Bond, Bonham, Boone, Bourns, Boyd, Boyle, Bradford, Brandon, Branscomb, Brennan, Brett, Brien, Briggs, Broback, Brookes, Brower, Brown, Brubeck, Brundige, Brush, Bruton, Bryant, Bucknell, Burbeck, Burke, Burriss, Burton, Busch, Byrnes, Cameron, Camp, Carothers, Carpenter, Gary, Chambers, Christy, Church, Churchill, Cittoni, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cochard, Cocking, Connolly, Coombs, Cotton, Cowen, Cox, Crawford, Cruickshank, Cummings, Curley, Curtis, Dahl, Daily, Daniels,  Dartt, Davidson, Del Grosso, Denison, Dennis, Devereux, Devilbiss, Dewell, Dickie, Dill,  Dilling, Dixon, Dodge, Donnelley, Donohoe, Donohue, Dooley, Dowd, Drewry, Dryden, Duffield, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunlap, Dutcher, Ebbinghausen, Edmands, Edwards, Elliott, Ells, Enderlin, English, Exley, Farnsworth, Favreliere, Fee, Fifield, Finne, Fitch, Ford, Forse, Foster, Foushee, Foye, Franklin, Frazer, French, Fuller, Galletti, Gamberg, Gambrel, Garner, Gaspar, Gavin, Gibbs, Gibson, Goforth, Golden, Goldsmith, Good, Goodwin, Gordon, Gowan, Graham, Granholm, Grant, Gravier, Green, Greenough, Gregory, Grindle, Gris, Gruwell, Guenza, Gummerus, Gunn, Hall, Halliday, Ham, Hamer, Hammond, Handy, Hanen, Hansen, Hanson, Harden, Hargrave, Harrington, Harris, Haskett, Haun, Haydon, Heckendorf, Heeser, Helm, Hemenway, Hendricks, Herrick, Hewlett, Heyward, Hildreth, Himmehvright, Hoberg, Hoffman, Hogshead, Holbrook, Holzhauser, Hopper, Howard, Howe, Hudson, Huggins, Hunter, Hurt, Hutsell, Incerti, Ingram, Irvine, Irwin, Iversen, Jago, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Kaarto, Keeling, Keithly, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kent, Kerr, Kesey, Kiblinger, Kimball, Knight, Kuhn, Lamb, LaMotte, Langermann, Langland, Lappinen, Larsen, Lendrum, LeValley, Lewis, Liftchild, Lind, Lindstrom, Little, Lobree, Long, Loring, Lovell, Lowell, Lundquist, Lynch, Lyon, MacKerricher,  McAbee, McCabe, McCarty, McCowen, McCracken, McDonald, McElroy, McGee, McGlashan, Mclntire, McKinley, McPeak, McSpadden, Malpas, Mannon, Manzini, Markkula, Marshall, Martella, Martin, Martinazzi, Mason, Mathews, Mathison, Mattern, May, Meddaugh, Mendenhall, Mero,  Middleton, Millar, Millberry, Miller, Miller, Milliken, Mills, Montague, Montgomery, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mosier, Moulton, Muir, Neal, Nelson, Newman, Nichalson, Noel,  Nonella, Norton, Nott, O'Neal, Olson, Ordway, Ornbaun, Orr, Osborn, Overholser, Packwood, Parker, Parr, Parrott, Paulson, Pedretti, Peirsol,  Pemberton, Percy, Persico, Peterson, Pettis, Phelps, Phillips, Pickle, Pinches, Piner, Pitner,  Poage, Polk, Porter, Potter, Prather,  Preston, Puett, Pullen, Purcell,  Purlenky, Pyhaluoto, Quarteroni, Rannells, Rantala, Rantz, Raudio, Rawles, Rea, Read, Redemeyer, Redwine, Reed, Reid, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Riffe, Robinson, Rocca, Rodgers, Rogers, Rohrbough, Rose, Ross, Rossotti, Rowe, Ruddick, Rupe, Rushing, Russell, Sailor, Samuelson, Sandah, Sandelin, Sanford, Sartori, Sawyers, Sayre, Schaffer, Scott, Scudamore, Seaholm, Seman, Seymour, Shafsky, Shattuck, Shaul, Shelton, Sherwood, Shirley, Shoemaker, Short, Simonson, Singley, Sleeper, Smart, Smith, Snickers, Snow, Spurlock, Squires, Staheli, Standley, Stanley, Starkey, Stewart, Stokes, Stone, Stornetta, Stout, Stubbs, Swanson, Swensen, Tallman, Taylor, Terwilliger, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thurman, Tocher, Toepfer, Toney, Turner, Upp, Upton, Valenti, Van Allen, Van Damme, Van Nader, Vassar, Vincent, Voss, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Wambold, Ward, Weigand, Weldon, Weller, Wemple, West, Whipple, White, Whited, Wilcox, Wildgrube, Williams, Williamson, Windlinx, Witherspoon, Woelffel, Wooldridge,  Yeary, Young,