What a wonderful look at life in the mid-west in the 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Johnson County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1918.




Johnson County,



by Ewing Cockrell








1150 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Chapter I. - Geology 
Chapter II. - Indians
Chapter III. - Trails and Roads
Chapter IV. - Early Settlements 
Chapter V. - Organization and Officers
Chapter VI. - Railroads
Chapter VII. - Military 
Chapter VIII. - Reign of Terror
Chapter IX. - Public Schools
Chapter X. -
State Normal School 
Chapter XI. -
County Finances 
Chapter XII. -
Washington Township 
Chapter XIII. -
Jefferson Township 
Chapter XIV. -
Madison Township 
Chapter XV. - Holden 
Chapter XVI. -
Jackson Township 
Chapter XVII. -
Warrensburg Township 
Chapter XVIII. - Warrensburg 
Chapter XIX. -
Post Oak Township 
Chapter XX. -
Hazel Hill Township 
Chapter XXI. -
Chilhowee Township 
Chapter XXII. -
Grover Township 
Chapter XXIII. -
Rose Hill Township 
Chapter XXIV. -
Columbus Township 
Chapter XXV. -
Kingsville Township 
Chapter XXVI. -
Centerview Township 
Chapter XXVII. -
Simpson Township 
Chapter XXVIII. -
Montserrat Township 
Chapter XXIX. - Political 
Chapter XXX. - Medicine 
Chapter XXXI. - Bench and Bar 
Chapter XXXII. - Banks and Banking 
Chapter XXXIII. -
Johnson County Newspapers 
Chapter XXXIV. - Agriculture 
Chapter XXXV. - Live Stock 
Chapter XXXVI. - Soils
Chapter XXXVII. - Churches 
Chapter XXXVIII. - Lodges and Other Organizations 
Chapter XXXIX. - Miscellaneous Organizations 
Chapter XL. - The World War 
Chapter XLI. - Biographical 




Aber, Adams, Alexander, Allen, Ames, Anderson, Andruss, Atkins, Ayler, Baile, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Barnett, Beall, Beard, Behm, Bell, Belt, Bills, Blacksten, Blevins, Boisseau, Boosinger, Bozarth, Bradbury, Bradley, Bridges, Boone, Bowman, Boyd, Boyles, Brown, Browning, Burford, Buente, Bunn, Burkarth, Burns, Burris, Burriss, Bush, Byram, Caldwell, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman, Cheatham, Christian, Clark, Coats, Cockefair, Coleman, Collins, Colster, Cooper, Corum, Craig, Crissey, Crossley, Crutcher, Culp, Curnutt, Dalhouse, Dalton, Davis, Dawson, Dennis, Des Combes, Dixon, Doak, Dofflemyer, Douglass, Draper, Drinkwater, Drummond, Dudley, Duffey, Dutcher, Dyer, Early, Eldredge, Elliott, Eppright, Farnsworth, Fewel, Fickas, Fitch, Fulkerson, Garrett, Garrison, Garvey, Gibson, Gillilan, Gilbert, Gilkeson, Golladay, Goodnight, Goodwin, Gore, Graham, Graves, Gray, Greenlee, Greenwell, Greenwood, Gregg, Greim, Grinstead, Hall, Haller, Halley, Halsey, Hamisfar, Hammond, Hanthorn, Harmon, Harris, Harrison, Hartnell, Harwood, Hatfield, Heberling, Hedges, Heizer, Helderbrand, Henderson, Hering, Herndon, Heuerman, Hickman, Hilke, Hobbs, Hodges, Hoefner, Holloway, Houts, Houx, Howard, Howerton, Hull, Hunt, Hunter, Hume, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hyer, Irwin, Jacoby, James, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kauffman, Kendrick, Kern, Kimzey, Kinney, Kitterman, Knaus, Lamb, Lampkins, Lazenby, Lee, Lemley, Lewis, Little, Littlefield, Lobban, Loebenstein, Long, Lowe, Lowry, McBride, McCann, McCardle, McClean, McDonald, McDougal, McKay, McKeehan, McMahan, McMurphy, McNair, McWethy, Marr, Martin, May, Mayes, Merritt, Middleton, Miller, Minor, Mitchell, Mohler, Moody, Moore, Morton, Moseley, Murphy, Murray, Musser, Neil, Newton, Noland, Orsborn, Ozias, Pare, Park, Parker, Parsons, Patterson, Pemberton, Pendleton, Phillips, Pickel, Piper, Pollock, Porter, Raber, Raker, Reavis, Redford, Reichle, Renick, Reynolds, Rice, Riddle, Rigg, Rittman, Robbins, Roberts, Robey, Robinson, Roop, Rothwell, Rowland, Rucker, Runyon, Russell, Ryan, Sammons, Sams, Samuel, Sanders, Saults, Senior, Schofield, Scott, Scruggs, Shackleford, Shaneyfelt, Shannon, Sharp, Sheller, Shepherd, Shimel, Shockey, Shy, Sibert, Simmerman, Simpson, Smith, Snyder, Sprague, Sproat, Squires, Stacy, Starkey, Steele, Stevens, Stewart, Stillwell, Stirling, Stitt, Stockton, Strange, Stratton, Strickland, Summers, Surber, Sutherland, Sutton, Swearingen, Sweeney, Swift, Tatlow, Tempel, Terrell, Tevis, Theiss, Thiele, Thompson, Thomson, Thrailkill, Tompkins, Townsend, Tracy, Turnbow, Vernaz, Vitt, Wall, Wallace, Warnick, Wash, Wayman, Wells, Werling, White, Wingfield, Wilcoxon, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wolf, Wolfenbarger, Wood, Yoder, Young, Youngs, Zimmerman, Zion