Your Past Life - A Tarot Psychic Reading










Orders placed Saturday or Sunday will be done Wednesday


Orders placed Monday or Tuesday will be done Friday

Orders placed Wednesday,Thursday or Friday will be done Monday


PLEASE FACTOR IN TIME ZONE DIFFERENCES – eg if you live in Australia, you are 10 hours ahead of me which will likely add an extra day’s wait given I sometimes don’t begin work until 12 noon UK time.



Welcome, my name is Victoria Zasikowski and I've been reading the cards for many years. I've spent the last 4 on the world's best known auction site but they have now banned readings there, so I am here instead. I have a 100% rating there and over 4,200 feedback which Bonanza has kindly imported for me :)




This psychic tarot reading will take a look at one of your past lives. I cannot tell you which particular life will come through for you - it might be one that occured hundreds  or even thousands of years ago or it may be a more recent one. It may or not be a life that comes through with information you can connect to and if you are already able to know bits and pieces of your previous life times, the one that comes through may have nothing to do with what you yourself know !  This psychic reading will bring forth various pieces of information that I will try to synthesize for you, to provide a rounded out picture. It will not contain everything there is to know about that lifetime - details tend to come through in fragments so I can only give you what does come forth. It is also pot luck as to whether someone close to you now appears in that lifetime. You really must keep an open mind with this kind of psychic reading , please don't expect answers to all your questions in this life. Usually the type of things that come out tell me about the time period, location, events at certain times in your life, what kind of work you did, if any.... Information about births, deaths, marriages and things about your parents may come through and details about any significant relationships . It really does vary person to person but invariably each reading brings some interesting information through so I'm sure you will find it an intriguing read :)

These readings tend to be around 1 - 1 1/2 pages long and are done on an individual basis. I do not do computerized or copy and paste readings ! All my readings take an appreciable amount of my time to conduct, so my price has to reflect this.


1. Your full name

2. Your email address

3. Your date of birth

Please be prompt about sending your info over as I prefer to avoid chasing people up;) You can email me via messages or jot down your info on paypal .




The law requires me to point out that psychic services are intended to be for entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You must be 18 years or over to purchase a psychic reading .