The energy of this system will protect your life through all the highs and lows, even in the worst of times. It will promote self care so that you will take time for self; pamper yourself, nurture your needs and respect your position in life. The energy is very feminine and allows you to retire from being the nurterer, caretaker and fixer in your life so that you can take care of you. It will help you to learn how to dance with the ebb and flow of the life cycle.

The Path of Yemaya Reiki healing system will support you through life challenges. Yemaya's compassionate energy will wash away any troubles or sorrows you may have. Her energy will provide protection for you in your travels. It will connect you with your creative side, creative potentials and possibilities.

The energy of this system is very soothing and calming. The Path of Yemaya Reiki energy will heal any anxieties you may have and help you to endure change in your life with wisdom, compassion and grace. The Path of Yemaya Reiki will bring balance and the reconciliation of opposites in  your nature. It will remind you that suffering can carve a place in your heart for joy to dwell.

It will inspire you to be more compassionate, sincere, comforting, generous and help you to lend a helping hnd to those in need. It wil bring you power to push through any sadness you may experience. You will experience greater inspiration as the healing energy works to spark your creative energies, super charge your sexy, playful, wise, feminine, graceful side and inspire you to be all that is woman, nurturing mother, inspired companion, playful bed partner, wise advisor and insightful leader.

The Path of Yemaya Reiki will help you to connect to, recognize, honor and voice your needs, release anger, embrace joy and to see your body as a temple and treasure.

Attributes of Goddess Yemaya

Her name is a contraction of Yey Omo Eja which means "Mother whose children are the fish".


Other names: Ymoja, Orisha of the Ocean, Yemaya Olokun, Yemaya Achabba, Yemaya Oqqutte, Protector of Women & more.

Location: West African, Caribbean, South America

Associated with Isis

Goddess Yemaya, Mother of Water, Goddess of the Ocean and of the New Year, is a West African, Brazilianand Afro-Caribbean goddess. She was originally a river goddes of the Yoruba in Nigeria.

She represents mother love as well as all of the affairs of women including children, birthing, home, hearth, family & fertility. She is also associated with the moon and lunar mysteries; not just the ocean. She is a mother goddess, the goddess of home, fertility, love and family. She was a nature spirit; an orisha - a powerful and beloved guardian spirit.

Yemaya is worshipped in the act of sacred dance, much like Isis. Those involved in the ritual will wear blue, the color of Yemaya and a necklace of blue and clear beads. Many will wear the seven layers to represent the seven seas of Yemaya. The alter of Yemaya is always in a circle and teh dance is performed in a circle around that alter. The circle is representative of the cycle of life eternal.

You may invoke or pray to Yemaya concerning any matter of the home, family, love and fertility. Know that she is a loving, comforting Goddess, known as the giver of life. She has a soft spot for children. Therefore, if you are seeking to become pregnant, invoke her assistance.

She is also a very protective Goddess for women and children When you need comforting and/or cleaning of sorrows inyour life know that you may call upon her motherly, protective energies for she cares deeply for all. She is a powerful healer and is concerned with the Mother Earth. Thereby you may summon her for healing fo the earth. Know that your prayers are most effective if you expect that she will help you and if you are ready to receive her assistance.

Remember to thank her for her assistance always.


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