A Strange Adventure

Released on November 20, 1935: An old millionaire is murdered in a room full of relatives before he can sign his last will and testament.

Directed by: Phil Whitman

Written by: Arthur Hoerl, Lee Chadwick and Hampton Del Ruth

The Actors: Regis Toomey Detective Sergeant Mitchell, June Clyde 'Nosey' Toodles, Lucille La Verne Miss Sheen, the housekeeper, Jason Robards Sr. Doctor Bailey, William V. Mong Silas Wayne, Eddie Phillips Claude Wayne, Dwight Frye Robert Wayne, Nadine Dore Gloria Dryden, Alan Roscoe Stephen Boulter, Isabel Vecki Sarah Boulter, Harry Myers Police Officer Ryan, Eddy Chandler Police Sergeant Kelly, Fred 'Snowflake' Toones Jeff, the servant, Jack Cheatham Police Guard at front door, Kit Guard reporter Joe, William Humphrey the coroner, Harry Tenbrook taxi driver

Runtime: 1h

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