Murder in the Red Barn

Released on August 18, 1936: A young pregnant girl is killed in the red barn of the town squire and her gypsy boyfriend is accused of the crime.

Directed by: Milton Rosmer

Written by: Randall Faye

The Actors: Tod Slaughter Squire William Corder, Sophie Stewart Maria Marten, D.J. Williams Farmer Thomas Marten, Eric Portman Carlos, gypsy, Clare Greet Mrs. Marten, Gerard Tyrell Timothy Winterbottom, Ann Trevor Nan the maid, Stella Rho gypsy fortune teller, Dennis Hoey gambling winner, Quentin McPhearson Matthew Sennett, Antonia Brough Maud Sennett, Noel Dainton Officer Sttele of the Bow Street Runners, J. Leslie Frith lawyer, Herbert Leonard Compere, Lester Sharpe bandleader Withey, Tom Payne jailer, Gerrard Tyrell unknown

Runtime: 1h 10m

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