Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel

Released on October 20, 1937: The pregnant wife of Sir Percy Blakeney is kidnapped to Paris and sentenced to die by guillotine in a scheme to capture the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Directed by: Hanns Schwarz

Written by: Baroness Emmuska Orczy, Lajos Biro, Adrian Brunel and Arthur Wimperis

The Actors: Barry K. Barnes Sir Percy Blakeney / Scarlet Pimpernel, Sophie Stewart Marguerite Blakeney, Margaretta Scott Theresa Cobarrus, James Mason Jean Tallien, Francis Lister Chauvelin, Minister of Police, Anthony Bushell Sir Andrew Ffoulkes, Patrick Barr Lord Hastings, David Tree Lord Harry Denning, John Counsell Sir John Selton, Henry Oscar Maximilien de Robespierre, Hugh Miller De Calmet, Robespierre's secretary, Allan Jeayes Judge of the Tribunal, O.B. Clarence De Marre, George Merritt Chief of Police, Evelyn Roberts Prince of Wales, Esme Percy Richard Brinsley Sheridan, playwright, Edmund Breon Colonel Winterbottom, Frank Allenby Professor Wilkins, John Abbott flower seller, Torin Thatcher unknown, Ben Williams Robespierre's spy

Runtime: 1h 34m

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