The Jackie Robinson Story

Released on May 16, 1950: The great baseball star Jackie Robinson plays himself in this autobiographical story of his rise to fame.

Directed by: Alfred E. Green

Written by: Arthur Mann, Louis Pollock, and Lawrence Taylor.

The Actors: Jackie Robinson himself, Ruby Dee Rae Robinson, Minor Watson Branch Rickey, President of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Louise Beavers Jackie's Mother, Richard Lane Clay Hopper, the Montreal Manager, Harry Shannon Frank Shaughnessy, a Dodger exectutive, Ben Lessy Shorty, a Monteal player, William 'Bill' Spaulding himself, Billy Wayne Clyde Sukeforth, a Dodger scout, Joel Fluellen Mack Robinson, Bernie Hamilton Ernie, a Panther player, Kenny Washington Tigers manager, Pat Flaherty Karpen, a Dodger pitcher, Larry McGrath umpire, Emmett Smith catcher, Howard Louis MacNeely Jackie as a boy, George Dockstader Bill, Marvelle Andre Peter's wife, Bill Baldwin baseball broadcaster, Sam Balter baseball announcer in the booth, Mildred Boyd roomate of Rae, Tom Coleman sports board clerk, Laurence Criner the Minister, Joe Devlin tough lodge member in the stands, Jimmie Dodd UCLA Scout, Franklyn Farnum baseball fan in the stands, Roy Glenn Mr. Gaines, an attorney, Joe Gray bit part, Phyllis Kennedy fan in the stands, Donald Kerr reporter, Joe Kirk Tony, Ralph Montgomery reporter, Dewey Robinson Brooklyn fan in the stands, Ben Welden tough Lodge member in the stands, Dick Wessel tough Lodge member in the stands, Dick Williams Jersey City pitcher and second baseman.

Runtime: 1h 17m

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