Released on May 24, 1931: When a big New York gangster moves to Los Angeles, the police try to infiltrate his gang, but the gangster keeps getting tipped off whenever the police try anything.
Genre: Action
Duration: 1h 4min
Director: Joseph Levering
Actors: Catherine Dale Owen (Alice Randall), John Holland (Police Captain Bill Houston), Edmund Breese (Police Commissioner Randall), Mae Busch (Mae Ward, undercover cop), Paul Panzer (gangster Taroni), Robert Gleckler (Joe Velet, aka Phil Terry), Kit Guard (Kit, Velet's chief henchman), Joseph W. Girard (Police Chief), Philo McCullough (Police Detective Tom Muldoon), Al Cooke (photographer Cookie), Bobby Burns (informant), Fred Kohler Jr. (Taroni henchman), Jack Richardson (policeman), Nick Thompson (henchman).
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