Released on July 30, 1941: Crash Corrigan and Dusty King become outlaws to infiltrate Fugitive Valley and capture The Whip.

Genre: Action

Duration: 1h 1min

Director: S. Roy Luby

Actors: Ray Corrigan (Crash Corrigan), John 'Dusty' King (Dusty King), Max Terhune (Alibi Terhune, posing as the professor), Julie Duncan (Ann Savage), Glenn Strange (Gray), Bob Kortman (Red Langdon), Ed Brady (Doctor Steve), Tom London (Marshal Warren), Reed Howes (Jim Brandon), Carl Mathews (henchman Slick), Edward Peil Sr. (jailer Ed), Doye O'Dell (singer), John L. Cason (Whip rider), Victor Cox (posse rider), George Hazel (henchman), Jack Hendricks (deputy), Ray Jones (wagon driver), Frank McCarroll (henchman), Bud McClure (stage driver), Milburn Morante (bartender), Rudy Sooter (Whip rider), Wally West (posse rider)

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