Released on June 13, 1941: An orphan girl who takes the rap for a crime committed by her wealthy boyfriend becomes the Queen of Crime who controls both the gangsters and the politicians.

Genre: Crime

Duration: 1h 12min

Director: Phil Rosen

Actors: Joan Woodbury (Rita Adams), Jack La Rue (Mickey Roman), Linda Ware (Donna Andrews), John Archer (Bob Elliott), Vince Barnett (Scribbler, petty forger), Alan Ladd (Jimmy Kelly, aka Bill Dugan), Gavin Gordon (Kurt Parrish), Phillip Trent (Harold DeWitt), William Halligan (Police Chief Flynn), George Pembroke (Clarence DeWitt), Selmer Jackson (District Attorney), Kenneth Harlan (Jim Adams), Bryant Washburn (Attorney Bruce King), Stephen Chase (Detective Joe Kent), Robert Strange (Lou Wood), Alex Callam (Joe Fagan), Harry Depp (Johnny Mason), Brooks Benedict (Frankie Bailey, key witness), James Blaine (Rita's boss), Lynton Brent (second bailiff), Peter Caldwell (Bob as a young boy), Joe Conti (Mickey as a young boy), Henry Hall (courtroom spectator), John Ince (second judge), Lloyd Ingraham (first judge), Carl M. Leviness (jury member), Murdock MacQuarrie (first bailiff), Juanita Quigley (Rita as a young girl), Fred Santley (motorist Henry Jones), Gayne Whitman (defense attorney Joe), Carleton Young (gangster Pokey Martin)

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