Released on July 15, 1935: After a WWI veteran learns the he only has six months to live, he meets a strange man called the Keeper of the Bees, and his protoge 'Little Scout,' who changes or dying man's outlook on life.

Genre: Drama

Duration: 1h 15min

Director: Christy Cabanne

Actors: Neil Hamilton (Jamie Lewis McFarland), Betty Furness (Molly), Emma Dunn (Margaret Campbell), Edith Fellows (Jean Marie Meredith/Little Scout), Hobart Bosworth (Michael the Bee Master), Helen Jerome Eddy (Priscilla/Shorty), Marion Shilling (Louise), James P. Burtis (Red), Barbara Bedford (nurse), Lafe McKee (Dr. Grayson), George Cleveland (the judge), William Worthington (Colonel), Henry Hall (doctor at the hospital).

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