Released on October 10, 1941: Little orphan Danny is living with a veterinarian uncle that works on horses at the racetrack, but his grandparents want to take him away from the evil racetrack environment, until they meet Mr. Celebrity.
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1h 7min
Director: William Beaudine
Actors: Robert 'Buzz' Henry (Danny Mason), James Seay (Jim Kane, uncle), Doris Day (Carol Virginia Carter), William Halligan (Daniel Mason, grandfather), Laura Treadwell (Mrs. Mason, grandmother), Gavin Gordon (Richard Travers, attorney), Frank Hagney (Patrick J. Dugan, private eye), John Berkes (Johnny Martin), John Ince (Joe Farrell), Francis X. Bushman (himself, silent heart-throb actor, resident at the ranch), Clara Kimball Young (herself, silent screen star, resident at the ranch), James J. Jeffries (himself, world heavyweight boxing champion), Larry Grey (Larry 'Cardo the Great' Grey, Vaudeville card trick performer), Jack Baxley (Judge Culpepper), Billy Mitchell (Josh, groomsman), William Pagan (Ed Shanley), Michael Mark (gas station attendant), Ruth Clifford (woman in convertible), William Whitman (man in convertible), Jack Richardson (Bill Geraghty), Alfred Hall (Langdon estate attorney), Henry Hastings (Washington, servant), Smokey Saunders (Smokey, jockey)
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