Released on April 29, 1965: Several popular 1960's entertainers show off their talents in a coffe shop in Miami Beach.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 31min
Director: Shepard Traube
Actors: Curtis Taylor (Jonathan Peabody), Karen Thorsell (Viki Shaw), Oscar Brand (himself), The Goldebriars (themselves), The Free Wheelers (themselves), Joan Rivers (herself, as Jim, Jake and Joan), Jim Connell (himself, as Jim, Jake and Joan), Jake Holmes (himself, as Jim, Jake and Joan), Jerry Newby (coffee house manager Monford Humphrey), Pedro Roman (Pepe the cook / rock and roll singer), Vince Martin (Larry), Barbara Cole (Debbie), Deanna Lund (Corrine), Peg Rayborn (Madge Cartwright), Eve Tellegen (mother Amanda Peabody), Bill Mayer (Harry), Lillian Melek (Mama Angelina, pizza woman), Toni Simeon (woman with babies), Carl Yale (hood with sunglasses), Johnny Conrad (hood), Michael Elliott (unknown), A.W. Edison (unknown), Michelle McCain (beach singer), The New Coachmen (themselves, singers), Gloria Loring (one of Betty's friends), Curt Boettcher (himself, the Goldebriars), Sherry Lou Shepherd (unknown).
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