Released on November 28, 1962: The birth of Rome is told as Aeneas, after losing the Trojan War, must battle the fearsome warrior Turno before settling in Latino, the land that will become Rome.
Genre: Adventure
Duration: 1h 35min
Director: Giorgio Venturini
Actors: Steve Reeves (Aeneas), Giacomo Rossi-Stuart (Euryalus), Carla Marlier (Lavinia, Latino's daughter), Mario Ferrari (Latino, King of Latium), Enzo Fiermonte (Acate), Gianni Garko (Turno, King of the Rutuli), Liana Orfei (Camilla, Queen of the Volsci), Nerio Bernardi (Drance), Robert Bettoni (Pallante), Maurice Poli (Mezensio, Turno henchman), Lulla Selli (Amata, Latino's wife), Pietro Capanna (Bisia), Benito Stefanelli (Nisius), Adriano Vitale (dancer: Hunter), Augusto Terzoni (dancer: Deer), Charles Band (Ascanio), Luciano Benetti (Sergeste), Andrej Gardenin (fencer), Furio Meniconi (Turno henchman), Walter Zappolini (dancer: deer)
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