Released on December 6, 1940: Tim Holt, The Fargo Kid, is mistaken for an outlaw in this cowboy comedy adventure.

Genre: Animation

Duration: 1h 3min

Director: Edward Killy

Actors: Tim Holt (The Fargo Kid), Ray Whitley (Johnny), Emmett Lynn (Whopper), Jane Drummond (Jenny Winters), Cy Kendall (Nick Kane), Ernie Adams (Bush Cleveland), Paul Fix (Deuce Mallory), Paul Scardon (Caleb Winters), Glenn Strange (Sheriff Dave), Mary MacLaren (Mrs. Sarah Winters), Ken Card (banjo player), Tommy Coats (townsman), Billy Franey (deaf barfly), Dick Hogan (young man with ore), Herman Nowlin (deputy), Ezra Paulette (musician), Lee Phelps (bartender), Charles Quirk (musician), Rudy-Sooter (bass player), Hayden Stevenson (Micaville hotel clerk).

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