Released on December 31, 1936: The children of two feuding families carry the family grudge to the next generation in a small British town.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1h 30min
Director: Tim Whelan
Actors: James Mason (Tom Tulliver), Frank Lawton (Philip Wakem, son of Lord Wakem), Geraldine Fitzgerald (Maggie Tulliver), Victoria Hopper (Lucy Deane, Tom and Maggie's cousin), Fay Compton (Mrs. Bessy Tulliver), Griffith Jones (Stephen Guest), Mary Clare (Mrs. Gritty Moss, Mr. Tulliver's sister), Athene Seyler (Mrs. Pullet), Sam Livesey (Mr. Edward Tulliver, Miller), Amy Veness (Mrs. Deane), Felix Aylmer (Lord Wakem), Eliot Makeham (Mr. Pullet), William Devlin (Bob Jakin), Ivor Barnard (Mr. Moss), David Horne (Mr. Deane), O.B. Clarence (Mr. Gore), Cecil Ramage (Luke), Martita Hunt (Mrs. Glegg), Pauline de Chalus (Maggie as a child), Eldon Gorst (Tom as a child), James Roberts (Mr. Glegg), W.E. Holloway (Reverend D. Stelling, M.A.), Arthur West Payne (Bob Jakin as a child), Philip Frost (Philip Wakem as a child), A.E. Johnson (unknown), Beatrice Marsden (unknown), Sydney Moncton (unknown), Anna Murrell (Lucy as a child), Hilary Pritchard (unknown), Cynthia Stock (unknown), Edmund Willard (unknown), Geraldine Wilton (unknown), Fred Withers (unknown)
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