Released on August 1, 1935: When a Canadian man visiting London tries to help a mysterious woman, she is suddenly murdered, and our hero is accused of the crime. He must go on the run to not only clear his name, but to prevent a spy ring from stealing top secret information.

Genre: Mystery

Duration: 1h 26min

Director: Michael Balcon

Actors: Robert Donat (Richard Hannay), Madeleine Carroll (Pamela),Lucie Mannheim (Annabella Smith), Godfrey Tearle (Porfessor Jordan), Peggy Ashcroft (Margaret Crofter), John Laurie (John Crofter), Helen Haye (Mrs. Jordan), Frank Cellier (Sheriff Watson), Wylie Watson (Mr. Memory), Gus McNaughton (traveler with Pipe), Jerry Verno (traveler), Peggy Simpson (the maid), Ivor Barnard (political meeting chairman), Charles Bennett (second passerby near the bus), Noel Birkin (unknown), Matthew Boulton (fake police officer), Edgar K. Bruce (unknown), Kate Cutler (unknown), Philip Desborough (unknown)

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