Released on November 7, 1937: A orphan baby boy in a rough gold prospecting camp is cared for by a young man and the saloon singer while the men of the camp mine a rich gold ore nearby.
Genre: Short
Duration: 27min
Director: Irvin Willat
Actors: Owen Davis Jr. (Davy), Charles Brokaw (Don Oakhurst), Joan Woodbury (Elsie), Sheila Bromley (Susan Oakhurst), Ferris Taylor (Judge Brandt), Bob Kortman (Yuba Bill), Charles King (Sandy), Byron Foulger (Kentuck), Robert McKenzie (Tuttle), Ray Bennett (Blaney), John 'Rusty' Brecknell (baby), Budd Buster (single tooth), Jim Corey (stage driver Starbottle), Richard Cramer (gambler), Tex Driscoll (townsman), Jack Evans (juror), Robert Fiske (Sheriff), Helen Gibson (woman in saloon), George Morrell (barfly), Bill Patton (juror), Bud Pope (barfly), John Wallace (unknown), Blackie Whiteford (saloon bully)
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