They Made Me A Killer

Released on May 3, 1946: Our hero gets unwittingly caught in the middle of a bank robbery, and is accused of being one of the robbers. His girlfriend helps him discover the real robbers and clear his name.

Directed by: William C. Thomas

Written by: Daniel Mainwaring, and Winston Miller.

The Actors: Robert Lowery Tom Durling, Barbara Britton June Reynolds, Lola Lane Betty Ford, Frank Albertson Patrolman Al Wilson, Elisabeth Risdon 'Ma' Conley, Byron Barr Steve Reynolds, Edmund MacDonald Jack Conley, Ralph Sanford Patrolman Roach, James Bush Frank Conley, Paul Harvey District Attorney Booth, John Harmon Joe Lafferty, Robert Dudley station master, Edward Earle Dr. Reeves, Gil Frye hospital intern, William Hall Policeman that was shot during the robbery, Chuck Hamilton the police broadcaster, Harry Hayden Pat Travers, the garage owner, Donald Kerr Police Detective, Al Murphy the Riverford Inn bartender, Victor Potel Willoughby, Hugh Prosser the cop at the railroad station, Cap Somers the cop at the hospital, Dorothy Vaughan Nancy the blacksmith's wife, Will Wright Henry the blacksmith.

Runtime: 1h 4min

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