DAREDEVIL# 12 Jan 1966 (7.0 FN/VF)1st Plunderer Kazar Kirby/Romita Cvr/Art KEY.
DAREDEVIL# 12 January 1966. Silver Age KEY.
1st Kazar in Daredevil. 1st Plunderer.
Jack Kirby-John Romita Cover/Art. 1st John Romita Daredevil.
Grade: 7.0 FN/VF. Off White Pages. Tight Staples. Complete. No Cut Outs. Light water stain: BC- Bottom R edge, along spine. Some (minimal, slight) interior staining along borders only. DOES NOT AFFECT any Panels (Artwork). VIEW PHOTOS TO DETERMINE GRADE FOR YOURSELF. $205. FREE LOCAL PICK UP.
Disclaimer: Assigned Grade/s are my (Seller's) Opinion. Assigned Grade/s are based upon my Knowledge, Experience and Acumen Grading Comics and Non-Comics since 1968. There is No Guarantee in the Collectibles Market that my Grade/s will be accepted by every Collector, Investor, Dealer, or Grading Service. Disclaimer above matches the Written Guarantee of each of the Grading Services regarding Assignment and Guarantee of Grade/s.