Also Historical and Statistical Data Compiled by Elmer E. Kester, Passenger Traffic Manager, April, 1947 © 2009 Larry Miller, Jr. and Larry Miller III. From the Introduction: “This Directory contains an alphabetical list of Stations, also list of Track Scales, and Track Connections on the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company. It also contains a complete Directory and Shippers’ Guide describing the agricultural, Industrial and mercantile activities in the territory traversed by the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company. Of vital interest to firms and individuals seeking new locations, is the list of openings for new industries and inducements offered to secure them.” Included in this directory: Directory of Officers and Representatives of the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company Alphabetical List of Stations Table of Distances in Miles Explanation of Abbreviations Illinois Terminal Railroad Company Track Connections and Junction Points with Other Lines Track Scales Locations Automobile Loading and Unloading Facilities List of Grain Elevators List of Coal Mines Located On or Reached Under Switching Agreements Leading Hotels at Points Served by the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company Commercial Organizations Located on the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company Plant and Industry Location Map of the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company A Short History of the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company 1895 – 1946 Illinois Statistical Data A List of Facilities of Cities and Towns On the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company “Know Your Illinois” Map by the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company Historical and Statistical Facts Concerning Some of the Leading Cities in Missouri and Illinois A List of Firms and Industries, also Industrial Switching Arrangements at Principal Points 136 original pages illustrated with photographic reproductions of equipment, scenes, bridges and buildings along the route of the Illinois Terminal Railroad Company. Many historical sites and information from before the turn of the century through the Second World War with brief histories of cities and towns along the line. Operational photographs of steam locomotive power, heavy electric freight and interurban passenger equipment. A treasure trove of information and data of a railroad now lost to history. The images contained in this reproduction were scanned at 600 dpi on a flatbed scanner from a purchased copy. The printing of the original book is varied in quality from page to page - some pages appear dark and others light in print. The scans were adjusted for best viewing and reproduction. Even if you are lucky enough to own a printed copy, imagine having this available on your laptop or home computer for easy reference. Printing for personal use from these files will vary depending on printer. Viewing of the images will not be affected and the enlargements in the pdf reading programs will bring out details not easily discernable on the original documents without a magnifying glass. Files are in Portable Document Format (pdf) and will require a pdf compatible program to access. (Free "read only" programs are available from the internet at, ,, and others. These programs are available for both IBM and Macintosh operating systems. The files contained on this CD will not display via DVD players to your television (as they are not jpg format) and will require a personal or laptop computer with a CD or DVD drive.)