Survivors of a Holocaust! A Civilization Reborn! The day the Earth shuddered. Ferocious, portentous winds shattered the carefree tranquility of the isolated island. From that day on, no planes flew overhead. No ships sailed by. Radio contacts ceased. Was it a hurricane? A cyclone? Or was it a world-destroying nuclear cataclysm? Eden after the storm. Alone, the intrepid survivors--700 natives and a handful of French colonials--are faced with descent into savagery, or life based on the leftovers of European culture. They have a few books. Shrimp and fish fill the lagoons. Just as many papayas, yams, and coconuts grow in the forest. The natives believe in free-love. The French have their education and their moral law. Their island is now the center of the world--their destiny the future of the human race! From inside front cover: Adventure in Utopia! "Now, on the sea and on the land there are no people living except us here. It is our duty to pass on our knowledge, to rebuild civilization. If we do not, our children will be savages." Pierre Beaumont arrived from France on the tiny South Sea island the day before the storm hit. He was an unlikely Crusoe. He had left behind a life of failure and disappointed hopes, and now he was to be the guiding light of all mankind's aspirations. What would they live for? Was it right to recreate the world in the exact image of what it had been? Together with his new wife and the uninhibited natives, Pierre is forced to fight, plan, re-invent, and rebuild as best he can, the whole world, so that a new race of man--and civilization itself--can once again be born!
Binding: Paperback Edition: First Edition Label: Avon Books Manufacturer: Avon Books Publication Date: 1977-03-01 Publisher: Avon Books Studio: Avon Books |