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Product description: “Whatever the Divine Scripture says is the voice of the Holy Spirit.” Gregory of Nyssia THE APOSTASY IS HERE! Mike Licona in a recent book (“The Resurrection of Jesus”) has said that Matthew 27:51-53 should be taken in a poetic way and not as a historical statement. Matthew 27:51-53 "The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, and the earth shook; and the rocks were split, and the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. …and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many." Licona, who is supposed to be an evangelical, writes that this passage should not be taken literally. He suggests the dead were not literally raised but that this is a poetic expression. Albert Mohler counters this weak argument and said this is dehistoricizing Matthew 27:52. “It is calamitous and inconsistent with the affirmation of biblical inerrancy.” This passage has always been taken literally. But Liberty University’s Gary Habermas agrees with Licona. Norman Geisler and Mohler go against Habermas and show that all evangelical scholars of ages present and past hold that this is a historical statement that upholds inerrancy. Matthew knew what he was saying when he wrote this passage, being led by the Holy Spirit in so doing! These are the opening words of Dr. Mal Couch's simple, yet informative book on the profoundly important doctrine of inerrancy. In this book Dr. Couch lays out the historic doctrine of inerrancy. In the words of St Augustine, "I learned to show this reverence and respect only to those books of the scriptures which are now called canonical so that I most firmly believe that none of their authors erred in anything." It is in this vain that Dr. Couch holds the historic and orthodox line on Biblical inerrancy.