"Green Hedge" Bamboo


 20 Mature, Bareroot Divisions / Plants


Bambusa Multiplex


Clumping Bamboo – Will NOT Become Invasive


For a short time each year, I offer bareroot divisions.  This is the most cost effective way to acquire bamboo.   When I propagate bamboo, this is the way that I start – with a division of a mature plant, with most, and possibly all, of the top leaf growth removed.  What you will receive is a division of bamboo with culm (cane) cut at the first or second node (joint) - you may or may not have leaves.


The fourth picture is an example of what you will receive. 


Within a couple of months, you will see new shoots emerge from the roots of the division.   You may see a few leaves produced upon the short culm (cane) that will be present when you receive the division.  This division will take approximately 18 months to reach what I would normally sell as a 2 gallon plant.  In 3 to 4 years, you will have a nice full, screening hedge with these 20 plants.


These divisions are value priced and are one of the best ways to establish a long screen of bamboo at a more reasonable price.  The price of the bamboo is lower as well as the shipping as there is no soil or top growth shipped with the division.


Bambusa multiplex “Green Hedge” is a beautiful erect bamboo that sets the standard for hedges and screens.  


Green Hedge is also a very fast grower – all bamboo grow quickly – but Green Hedge is one of the fastest!


Green Hedge can grow to 35 feet tall and 2 inches in diameter.  It is cold hardy down to 20 degrees with leaf damage below 20 degrees.  The bamboo will survive and re-grow from the roots at 10 degrees.


However, if you wish a more controlled growth, this bamboo can be trimmed to a much shorter hedge.  Bamboo canes will not grow taller than the height that they are cut.  Once a cane is cut, it will not grow taller, but rather the side shoots of leaves become thicker and bushier, but not taller than your cut.  This makes a very nice and thick hedge.  Imagine a hedge that you never have to cut a branch more than once during its lifetime!  A great labor saver!  When I grew this variety as a hedge, I trimmed it once a year when the new culms were growing and then I was done!


You will receive a mature division that has enough roots to re-establish in your garden and a portion of the cane to atleast the first node (joint) and possibly the second.  It will be bareroot and packed to retain moisture during transit.


 Your plants are guaranteed to arrive safely and alive.  If you have any issue, please advise within 24 hours of receipt along with a picture of the plant in question and we will work through any problem.


No shipments to ARIZONA or HAWAII.