Ethos Endymion Powder 

You are buying - One 50g Tub

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Ethos Endymion is the purest form of L-Carnosine available anywhere. It is made up of a combination of the two amino acids Beta-Alanine and L-Histidine and is known scientifically as N-beta-alanyl-histidine.

Carnosine is NOT a drug, vitamin or mineral and it does not react with any drugs. You are born with high levels of Carnosine in your body but unfortunately it decreases with age. The good news is that you can now replace Carnosine naturally with a daily supplementation of Ethos Endymion which is the very purest form of L-Carnosine available anywhere.

Long-living cells such as nerve cells, called neurons, and muscle cells, called myocytes, naturally contain high levels of L-Carnosine and these muscle levels of L-Carnosine correlate exactly with maximum life spans.

L-Carnosine is a Super Anti-Oxidant that quenches even the most destructive free radicals: the hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals, superoxide, and singlet oxygen. Carnosine helps to chelate ionic metals (flush toxins from the body).

It also acts as a regulator of zinc and copper concentrations in nerve cells, helping to prevent overstimulation by these neuroactive minerals. What is known about the biological role of Carnosine in the body substantiates all of the above and other studies have indicated further benefits.

When taken as a natural health supplement Ethos Endymion protects and extends the functional life of the body’s key building blocks – cells, proteins, DNA and lipids.

L-Carnosine – The Benefits

Anti-Carbonylation: Carbonylation is a pathological step in the age-related degradation of the body’s proteins and Carnosine is the most effective anti-carbonylation agent yet discovered.

Antioxidant: Carnosine effectively quenches the most destructive of free radicals, the hydroxyl radical, as well as super oxide, singlet oxygen, and the peroxyl radical.

Cell Rejuvenation: Carnosine has the remarkable ability to actually rejuvenate cells approaching senescence (the end of the life cycle of dividing cells), restoring normal appearance and extending their cellular lifespan.

Wound Healing: Carnosine has the amazing ability to rejuvenate connective tissue cells and thus to expedite wound healing.

Brain Protection: Carnosine protects the microvas culature of the brain from plaque formation that may lead to senility and Alzheimer’s disease.

Improved Calcium Response: Carnosine enables the heart muscle to contract more efficiently through enhancement of calcium response in heart myocytes.

Take 1 gm per day for every 30 kg of body weight, so if you weigh 90 kg then 3 gm per day. Dissolve in a litre bottle of mineral water or fresh fruit juice and then drink from the bottle regularly throughout the day so that the last drops are drank just before sleeping.