Plot: The action-adventure game features LarryBoy, the popular plunger-headed crime-fighting cucumber featured in several best-selling videos, in his quest to save the citizens of Bumblyburg from temptation. When trouble appears, the citizens of Bumblyburg call world-famous crime fighter LarryBoy! Aided only by his trusted butler Alfred (played with zest by Archibald Asparagus)! Sooner or later every town needs a hero, now you can be that hero! Employ amazing super hero gadgets and gizmos to defeat criminals, discover and play over 30 hilarious VeggieTales songs, explore fantastic worlds and play entertaining mini-games, encounter well-loved VeggieTales characters thru out the game, parental ‘egg timer’ for easy control for how long kids play. 072819-072819P-VG1
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