This is an Crow familiar ring. One's Crow familiar will assist one with and promote many of the Crow's finest and most powerful traits. Albina says that "Crows can enhance Magick, shapeshift and Unearth Mysteries ". However she says that in many cultures " Crow familiars" promote many more qualities such as: Helping one see things from a "higher" perspective, Gaining wisdom and intelligence and discovering one's destiny and most desirable life"
In turn, one's Crow will assist with and promote these very traits: By enhancing magivck and magickal works, By allowing one to be "disguised" from enemies and go undercover when one wishes, allowing one to find answers to mysteries within one's life as well as assisting one in the direction of that which one is destined to be!." Albina adds that one will also find that with ANY of her Familiars, one's familiar will assist one in gaining access to the all knowing animal kingdom of the spirit realm! This power alone will grant one knowledge & power that the animal kingdom has kept sacred since the beginning of time! Albina explains that those who have experienced an Crow Familiar have told her that they "Are finally able top see what was right before them all along".
Albina advises that "wear or carry this piece as often as possible at first ( for at least two weeks). Then she says one should only have to hold or carry the piece for about 15- 20 minutes a day in order to continuing bonding with one's familiar. She also advises that one store this piece in a "quiet, safe" place within one's home and surround it with either river rocks, natural stones or quartz crystals to keep the Crow pleased. This is an wonderful piece and I am VERY grateful to Albina for sharing these empowering and Sacred familiars with all of us!! My Thanks & appreciation for her is endless!! Blessings!!!