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My ancestors are traceable to the Mountains of Mourne, Ireland since records began. Civilisations came and went, but my family still remained. My relatives still live in the same cottage that has stood for hundreds of years in the shadow of the great mountains and are still carrying out their destiny by assisting the Magickal and Supernatural Nations - all except one, my great-uncle Peter

He was drawn to Ireland’s most popular religion, Catholicism and became totally immersed in his new life, renouncing his childhood beliefs and soon becoming junior curate. As the years past he climbed up God’s ladder and was one of Ireland’s youngest Catholic Priests. His faith soon took him to the Vatican, where he was entrusted to many of the secrets that this most powerful religious sanctum holds. He learned from the highest and wisest priests including the most eminent Father of the whole of the Catholic Church. As his knowledge of this religion grew, his faith began to falter. He uncovered clandestine groups of high priests who were in league with the Masons and Illuminati; irregular dealings with Governments and Private Collectors and a plethora of iniquitous actions that shocked him to the core

Under an assumed name, he wrote several novels and articles exposing these illicit dealings and to this day still maintains his position in the church, investigating and revealing the dishonourable exploits in one of the World’s most trusted organisations
During his years under God’s service, he developed as an Exorcist. Although the church denies that a majority of possessions are genuine, I can attest to the fact that this is certainly not correct

On a recent visit to my homeland, I was ecstatic to discover Uncle Peter was home visiting his mother. Sitting on the damp grass overlooking the lake, we gazed in awe at the magnificent sunset that seemed to set the sky and serene water on fire with its flame-coloured incandesces. Reminiscing for hours we learned of each other’s goals in life; our dreams, desires and destinies; by the time we had finished talking, the clear Irish sky was obsidian black peppered with millions of diamond-like stars. We strolled back to the cottage and as I slumped, exhausted in to the cosy fireside armchair, he placed his hand on my shoulder and said that he had something special for me. As he ascended the creaking ancient stairs, I focused on the dark oak beams that adorned the ceiling, in a desperate attempt to stay awake. My eyes clouded over for a few moments, when he appeared before me with a bundle of cloths. As he unwrapped the fabric parcel, I waited in energized anticipation to glimpse the gift within; to my disheartenment he presented me with an antique Cross and Rosary beads. The joyous expression on his face added to my demoralisation as I found myself unable to explain I was not in the Catholic faith. A mischievous twinkle in his eye followed by hoots of laughter indicated that I had been very wrong with my assumption of the gift. As he proffered other archaic Rosaries, he related the allegory of each artefact.
These were tools that he had used whilst performing exorcisms. These stunning Magnum Opus of religious regalia were in fact vestige reliquaries for bound demons; expelled from some ill-fated mortal during one of Uncle Peter’s exorcisms. He explained that once a demon had been bound and blessed within a holy vessel, it is obliged to serve its Master unconditionally

This is one of the actual antique Rosary Reliquaries Uncle Peter gave me that night and now I am bequeathing it to you.
The unfortunate soul who was mephistophelically possessed was a teenage girl from the Seychelles, Samira. Her family became concerned when the girl became incessantly violent to anyone that she encountered. Fearing recrimination, they kept Samira a virtual prisoner in her own home hoping and praying that her behaviour would return to the normal happy and loving girl she was just a few weeks previous – they were oblivious to the fact that their worst nightmare was just beginning.

Three weeks previously, Samira had spent the night at her friend Chantal’s house. They had been on the internet and had discovered an esoteric library site. Browsing through the many subjects, they stumbled upon the Demonology section and began reading the various ancient texts; one of which turned out to be a Latin conjuration for the Legion Demons. Totally naive and innocent, the two girls began to ‘perform’ the ritual as a childish game. The lights in the bedroom began to flicker and the computer screen flashed; the bulbs in the bedside and ceiling lamps exploded and the television turned on without being plugged in to the socket. Petrified, Samira raced to the computer screen and tried to pull the power lead out. There was a bright flash, Samira screamed and she was thrown across the room crashing in to the opposite wall. Bleeding and bruised she stood up unsure of what had just occurred; had she been electrocuted? As the girls headed for the door, a deep growl came from the furthest corner of the room; frightened, the friends rushed to the exit only to find the door sealed shut. Banging on the door and screaming for Chantal’s parents, the girls became aware of an intense coldness in the room, so much so that the window had a thin layer of ice over it. Samira walked over to the window totally unaware of a foreboding shadow silently gliding over the room toward her. As the two converged, Samira collapsed to the floor, convulsing violently and foaming at the mouth. Immediately the power returned, the bedroom door swung open and a terrified Chantal raced out to get her parents. Samira was admitted to hospital, but released the next day with seemingly no adverse injuries.

From that very night, Samira began to change. Her behaviour was disruptive, her language was foul and her personal hygiene was non-existent.
After three weeks of deterioration, the family took Samira to their local Catholic Church. As they approached the gate, she began to scream and shouted obscenities inappropriate for even an adult to use. With no other options open to them, Samira’s parents entered the Church on their own and related their worries to the priest. Disbelieving their tale, but wanting to humour the couple, the priest arranged a house call for that evening. As he entered their home, a noxious odour filled his nostrils and he found it almost impossible not to vomit. From Samira’s bedroom he could hear deep rasping laughs and inaudible voices. Tentatively he climbed the stairs only to become more unnerved as silence befell his ears. Scratching came from behind Samira’s closed bedroom door that sounded like it could only have been made by claws or talons; feint whispering was now audible and he could determine that there was more than one voice. He turned and fled downstairs, promising to help the family as he was now out of the house and almost in his car.

Two days later and Samira’s family were in melancholic despair. The voices were constant and objects were being thrown around the house. Samira was now totally incontinent, and if anyone attempted to enter her room, the door would be sealed shut and objects would be hurled at them. They were at a loss; they were unable to leave their home as they would not leave their daughter, but they were unable to stay.
A gentle knock on their porch door signified the arrival of Father Peter; the local priest had contacted him and he had wasted no time in gathering his belongings and travelling to the assistance of Samira’s family.
As they sat around the kitchen table with a mug of coffee, Samira’s parents relayed the past 3½ week’s events in detail. Father Peter silently stood up, picked up his battered, brown, leather briefcase and steadfastly walked up the stairs. The stench coming from Samira’s room was overwhelming, so he placed his case on the floor and retrieved a small jar of menthol rub, placing some under his nose; he returned the jar to the case and continued to her bedroom door. As he placed his hand on the door-knob, unbearable screeching and swearing came from the sealed room. The handle was heating up in his hand and began to burn him. Unperturbed, he reached in his pockets and put on a pair of leather gloves and tried the handle once more; the door would not move. Father Peter dowsed the door with Holy water and a cacophonous roar from inside the bedroom indicated the barrier was now no more. As he slowly opened the white, gloss painted wooden door, a cloud of frozen fog poured out through the crack; as he opened the door further, Father Peter could vaguely make out a layer of what appeared to be frost over the bedroom furniture and a young girls’ lifeless body suspend in mid-air above the bed.
Father Peter placed his faithful briefcase on the dresser and gathered the tools he would need for the exorcism ritual. As he commenced with the ceremony, Samira’s inanimate body jerked and convulsed, blood poured from her nose and urine fell to the sodden mattress below. Defiantly, Father Peter walked toward the bed, reciting from the book in his hand and holding a Rosary Cross out in front of him. As he reached the bedside, Samira’s body turned so she was facing downwards; she smiled as she gazed in to his eyes and commenced an obscene verbal attack on the unmoveable priest. She now began to recite ancient texts in Latin and her body writhed in to positions totally impossible for any human to perform. Peter chanted louder and louder, commanding the spirit to make itself known and depart. Samira’s voice, now deep and menacing, spoke in languages of civilisations long gone; Father Peter scattered the Holy water over the contorting body of Samira, ignoring the screams and threats from the beast within.

Two long, lonely and exhausting hours later, Father Peter won the battle of good over evil. With a sinister growl and a tornado force of wind, the demon finally gave up its host and was drawn in to the Holy Rosary Reliquary clasped in Father Peter’s outstretched hand. With a thud, Samira’s limp body fell on to the bed and a sudden gasp of air and cry of pain implied that she was free from her demoniacal host.

This antique Rosary Reliquary is the actual sacred vessel Uncle Peter bound the Legion Demon to.
Incarcerated and enslaved within his sacrosanct feretory, the demonic entity’s sole purpose is to serve and give you exactly what you desire.

He is a Legion Demon and will protect you and your family and loved ones from harm.
He will conceal you from your enemies and shroud you from evil; shield you from physical and psychic attack; warn you of impending dangers and reveal hidden adversaries masquerading as friends
Your skeleton key to whichever portal you wish to enter, he will teach and take you to any portal you so desire. Imagine having the power to enter the realm of the Gods; envisage visiting Asgard with its famed hall of Valhalla, to meet with the ancient heroes and warriors of our time; see yourself in the Holiest of the Holy, standing in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant inside King Solomon’s Temple... ANYWHERE YOU command
Have you ever wondered why other people find money in the street and not you? They find antiques worth thousands in the attic and not you? He will uncover and deliver hidden treasures that you so richly deserve

He will become increasingly more powerful as you work with them and will only obey you – his Master. This Legion Demon is under your total control-yours and yours alone!
He is ready to serve and with this is physical phenomena - you will know when your Legion Demon is close by! Experiences associated with your Legion Demon are Physical Phenomena, Whispering, Shadows, Lights Flickering and Growling

The demon within this sacred feretory can NEVER leave its Reliquary so he totally incapable of possessing another mortal again. If you have a family or other metaphysical beings, he is extremely safe and will work well with any spirit or entity
This is a genuine demon and you will experience VERY strange phenomena
This is REAL

Hi Sue,
Just to let you know I carried out the ritual last night, energy orbs everywhere from the powers imbued upon the ring by the Blood Moon XIII coven members and a powerful manifestation of .
When i carry out the evocation in future i will do so to honour what has been shared with me.
Hi,Got him yesterday and wow he is starting to make his prescence known already...Last night I heard a loud scratching sound comming from the room where he is with my other dolls and he was turned a different way that I had put him...I also saw the black spots on his face were in fact red and his eyes seemed to be staring right through me with an evil glare..This is the first time a spirit has shown it self so quickly after it arrived...He is a bit scary and will take some getting used to now I can hardly wait to get the vase...please let me know when it will ship...Your items are truly for real...
Hi Sue
You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always
hey, i had my first astral shift! and then today im sitting and my shoulder muscles popped and i felt cold like little hairs were growing. I am gettiny WAY stronger i beat my dad arm wrestling 5 times, and im a girl and hes really strong!
Hi Sue,
I received the item yesterday, and I wore it last night in bed. I was given a 'sample' of its 'abilities' or 'power' in my dream. I was conscious in my dream. Although it wasn't frightening, I was a little afraid to open my eyes. The ring on my finger was shaking and there was a presence in my room that I can't explain. I remember part of my dream when I put my finger with the ring on on top of the 'tablet', the ring kind of 'awakens' then it starts to shake and to lift my arm up in the air again. After a few repeats, I was more calm, and I just let it do what it does. I can't really judge exactly how long this lasted, but it was a good hour or so.
I don't really know what will happen next or what's in store for me. But I'm excited.
Hello Sue,
I want to give you an update with the summoning of . It has been a most interesting and awakening journey for me. I had all sorts of expectations (and a few fears) about taking this on. It has been a most positive and enlightening experience for me.
I did the greeting and made my requests. I could feel him studying me with a strong sense of curiosity. The encounter was a positive experience. There was no fear. In fact, the experience was identical to the contact that I have had with other spirit entities. This surprised me. I guess i expected the bowels of Hell to open up and spew forth fire and brimstone! What a mind-job religion has done on us! As I did the dismissal, I could see in my mind's eye. He turned and looked at me, and as he departed, gave me a small smile and said "That's a very Baroque summoning for an Aquarius!" I actually laughed out loud!
I want to thank you and your coven again for bringing me this opportunity. Please accept my wishes for all the best for you and your group.
The Templar Ring alone is magnificent, there are many souls that will not ever come to own such a piece.
The energies that emanate from this ring are really beautiful, my whole chakra system is just buzzing, they are really wonderful Djinn, just checking me out tonight as Djinn do but they really like the incense i work with and cleansing/supercharging before carrying out the circle of protection and conjuration made all the difference, lots of visual imagery in my third eye too :)
Amazing ring, felt the presence of my new friends all around the vibrations of the ring in my hand really fired up my hand chakra/chakras, very hot, like anything practice makes perfect but i loved the rite/conjuration, just need a little practice with the names but intention makes all the difference :)
Great to see you back! It is wonderful that you are able to make available your fabulous items. Thank you.

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