Alter Ego PHEROMONE Cologne for MEN to attract women
Aphrodisiac Cologne to boost your pheromone presence!
 Alter Ego is the first stand-alone product of its kind to offer an unbelievably potent combination of the three most powerful human pheromones legally available (in an oil base by weight):
0.020% androstenone
0.015% androstenol
0.010% androsterone
What are Pheromones?

Humans naturally produce the pheromone scent which is released from the sweat glands. It is has been natures way for men and women to signal attraction at the primal and genetic level. We all naturally produce pheromones in different quantities. Some of us produce more than others. We are all different. When we shower daily to remove unacceptable body odor, we also remove these pheromones which are released by our sweat glands. In essence, it renders us genetically invisible to others. And, when you use a nice smelling cologne or deodorant you are only covering up your own natural pheromones.


Each bottle contains 2-dram (7.5 ml) and is brand new and sealed with eye-dropper cap.

Contains: Di-propylene Glycol, Essential Oils, SD40-B Alcohol, Fragrance and Pure, Reagent-Grade Human Pheromones.

Directions: Try applying the preparation to your clothing instead of your skin. It won't stain, and just a drop on the inside of a shirt cuff should be enough to get results. Some individuals have very active bacteria on their skin which attracts and renders useless the pheromones. Depending on the biochemical make-up of your skin, this could be affecting your success and application to clothing could make a big difference.

All orders are sent the same or next business day upon receipt of payment.