Beautiful Pendant Just OVERFLOWING with ENERGY. I have made TONS money with this piece already just through osmosis. So I'm very happy and can attest to it's VERY POWERFUL money making attributes! Imagine what it can and will do for its REAL OWNER! YOU!! It has an intense history. Please read....
I have been waiting patiently for the release of more Vessels from this very special lady who now resides on the other-side of the Veil. Finally they are here. This Vessel was once the possession of Audra-Rose Nuri, a Romanian Gypsy Queen, who was a MOST powerful Spell caster and Sorceress. She and Madam Crawley met many years ago, and they became true and firm friends. Madam Crawley gave Audra-Rose some natural stones to cast spells upon which were later made into Vessel by the Coven jeweler. Audra-Rose was not a formally trained Witch, but her family for generation upon generation were gifted with natural abilities. The kind of abilities many other witches only dream of but can never attain. Madam Crawley like's to describe her abilities this way: Some people go to art college and they study and they train and they learn technique and art history. They learn how to manipulate colors and they practice constantly. But then there's the other kind of artist. The one who simply picks up the paint brush and without any training, CHANNELS the most moving and awe-inspiring paintings. Breathtaking art that touches people so deeply people are moved to tears of wonder. This kind of talent comes from the other-side it can never be learned by our "human brains." This talent is a gift from God & Goddess, and not very many people own this gift. Audra-Rose with her innate God-Given Talent cast upon this stone 3 Spells WEALTH & PROSPERITY (We are talking HUGE wealth, these stones have been owned by some lucky persons who are now untouchable in the wealth department!!!) EARTH POWER & SOUL POWER (Power over all things material, and power to command Entities and use ESP abilities to the UTMOST) HAPPINESS & LOVE (Money and power is nothing without a happy, content and peaceful heart. This kind of content, satisfied and joy-filled heart will be YOURS!!!) Audra-Rose now resides on the other side of the Veil. She is a beautiful white spirit that will watch over you and keep you and your family safe and protected. have been cast on previously spellbound pieces.
ALSO CAST UPON THIS PIECE BY Madam Crawley herself is her phenomenal Spell
The reason this Double Casting of spells is a common occurrence with our vessels is because the vessel is already proven to be a superior container for Magick, and in every case has a huge prior history of success. It is better to cast important spells on an already proven, tried and tested piece. Plus, you receive the added benefit of additional Magick at no expense to you!
Note: A question that I was asked recently, and I thought important to share the answer with you. Q. If I own more than one vessel cast with the same spell will this increase the overall power of the spell, or will I just own two vessels? A. YES, IT WILL AT LEAST DOUBLE THE POWER OF THE OVERALL SPELL. It is a highly desirable procedure in Spell-Casting to Multiply a spell in this way. There is a mechanism at work wherein the duplicated spells, combine to become greater than the whole. So, YES, it is beneficial to do this.