This is a dark arts offering! Cannot be used for healing, peace, mercy, compassion and similar purpose.
We wish to present our Eternal Hellfire Damnation Oil. We can create and enchant as many as required from these oils!
This is a hand created potion and oil under the direction of the Ruling Demons of the Hells, including Satan, Lucifer, Azazel, Asmodeus, Paimon, Belial, Beleth, Purson, Beelzebub, Lilith, Samael, Astaroth and other high ranking demonic beings from the Infernal Hierarchy.
The Eternal Hellfire Damnation Oil is used to connect you with Demonic Spirits, Fallen Angels, Devils, Imps, Hellhounds, Avatars of Pain, Suffering, Torment and Destruction, Dark Fiends, etc. and is useful in casting curses, hexes, channeling hellfire, and other baneful spells and rituals.
Place one drop of this oil upon the picture of the victim. The Demonic Spirits of the Hells will attack and torment your victim day and night with misfurtune, illness, disease, sorrow, fatigue, insomnia, nightmares, hellfire, apostasy, ruin, misfortune and other things to ruin the life of your victim and cause his/her death.
Some of the ingredients and materials in this Eternal Hellfire Damnation Oil and Potion are dangerous for you to put onto your skin, so you must not touch it with your bare hands. Under no circumstances should you ever allow this oil to come into contact with your bare skin. Ever. You have been warned.
This oil and potion has been charged, infused with unholy power and energy and consecrated for you, so you will not need to charge it.
We will send you the Eternal Hellfire Damnation Oil in a 4 dram sized bottle. Only a single drop is need to unleash it's demonic powers and energies upon your enemies and enjoy the ruin, carnage, pain, suffering, nightmares or worse.