Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
T I M E The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * ISSUE DATE: July 26 1963; Vol. 82 No. 4 IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: Fireman's H. E. GILBERT; The Great FEATHERBEDDING Fight. MORE MAGAZINES' SUMMARY: NATIONAL AFFAIRS: President Kennedy; Civil Rights struggle; LABOR: Beyond the last mile, COVER STORY; Railroad Unions; Rockefeller fights back to Barry Goldwater; Goldwater leading in Republican race; other news; ART: Eugene Delacroix: Giant of French Romanticism, article, color photos; MUSIC: Summer Music Festivals, color photos, Tanglewood, Marlboro, Berkshire, Central City; Ravinia and more; CINEMA: A Gathering of Eagles; The Nutty Professor; MORE. TIME LISTINGS: NATION: Of Hope & Skepticism (The Nation / FOREIGN RELATIONS). With George & Sam on Capitol Hill (The Nation / CIVIL RIGHTS). Heavy Traffic on a Two-Way Street (The Nation). Beyond the Last Mile (The Nation / LABOR). THE OTHER FOUR (The Nation). The 66 Shiploads (The Nation / FOREIGN TRADE). Back on the Course (The Nation / THE PRESIDENCY). Join the Army And Feel Elite (The Nation / DEFENSE). The Swamp Fox (The Nation / THE CONGRESS). Well, It's Not as Bad as They Said They Expected (The Nation / THE BUDGET). The Bomb That Was a Bomb (The Nation / REPUBLICANS). WORLD: Bending the River (The Hemisphere / MEXICO). Epilogue to a Failure (The Hemisphere / CUBA). The Living Dead (The Hemisphere / HAITI). To Harness the Quoddy (The Hemisphere / CANADA). The Spirit of Moscow (The World / COLD WAR). TEST BAN CHRONOLOGY (The World). "Get Out of Here" (The World / COMMUNISTS). The Buddhist Crisis (The World / SOUTH VIET NAM). Throwing Away the Script (The World / SYRIA). Deadlocked Magic (The World / ZANZIBAR). Mistaken Identities (The World / ESPIONAGE). The Saga of Polish Peter (The World / GREAT BRITAIN). The Oldest Grad (The World / WEST GERMANY). L'Amour for la Patrie (The World / FRANCE). SCIENCE: Home in the Deep (OCEANOGRAPHY). Getting Under Your Skin (ELECTRONICS). Atoms Downtown (NUCLEAR ENERGY). HEALTH & MEDICINE: Another Round in the Krebiozen Battle (Medicine / DRUGS). The Lyon & the Mouse (Medicine / HEREDITY). SOCIETY: Just Above Water (Modern Living / TRANSPORT). Better Batter, Lotto Butter (Modern Living / FOOD & DRINK). Fun with Freud (Modern Living / YOUTH). Europe Plain & Simple (Modern Living / TRAVEL). PRESS: Just a Kid in a Big White House (The Press / COMICS). Covering It like a Tent (The Press / REPORTERS). RELIGION: Singing Saints (MORMONS). South Bank Religion (ANGLICANS). SPORT: Blank Spots in the Bleachers (BASEBALL). Another for the Accountant (BICYCLING). BUSINESS: Modernizing the Market (U.S. Business / WALL STREET). FIVE KINDS OF INSIDERS (U.S. Business). Mr. Automation (U.S. Business / MANAGEMENT). Flying to Success Upside Down (U.S. Business / AIRLINES). The Rising Class (U.S. Business). Waging the Gold War (World Business / MONEY). Flick's Fortunes (World Business / WEST GERMANY). ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: TELEVISION (Time Listings). Time Listings / CINEMA). Sounds of a Summer Night (Music / FESTIVALS). Idols Junior Grade (Show Business / MOVIES). From the Same Tube (Show Business / TELEVISION). "He Had a Sun in His Head" (Art). Monday Night on La Cienega (Art). Sick SAC (Cinema). Half Laugh (Cinema). Bed & Beard, International (Cinema). Midsummer Night's Waking (Books). Placid, Proper--and Pheasant (Books). The Individual (Books). How Not to Succeed (Books). * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Standard sized magazine, Approx 8½" X
11". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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