You are buying 10 Hay Scented Fern clumps of 10 rhizomes.  Dennstaedtia punctilobula commonly called Hay Scented Fern as the fronds release a fragrance reminiscent of fresh mown hay when brushed with a hand, crushed or bruised. It is a deciduous fern that is native to open woods and wooded banks in the eastern and mid western U.S. No serious insect or disease problems. In hot summer climates, fronds tend to decline by late summer. Good fern for naturalizing in woodland areas, shade gardens, cottage gardens or wild areas. Best grown in moist, rich, humusy, acidic, medium moisture loams in part shade to full shade. Heights of 1 1/2 - 2 ft tall. Spread of 2-3 ft. Hardy in zones 3-8
      We are a licensed nursery in the state TENNESSEE cert.#2235. Planting instructions included with every order.     Thank you for looking at our listing.