Cast Iron Letters by Adam Zwig

1 Castaways

2 Who Killed Michael Vaughn

3 Once a True Love

4 It's All Gonna Fall

5 I Think He Understands

6 Darken Days

7 On the Seas

8 Eagles Coat

9 I Don't Think About You

10 False Messiah

11 Freedom Flashing

12 It's All Gonna Fall (Acoustic)

13 Morning On Dover Road

" As a vocalist, Zwig has a soft voice that can sound gentle. Although not the most versatile voice, he uses the vocal pipes he was given to good effect. For those of us who loved TV's "Alias," the hit here is probably "Who Killed Michael Vaughn?" The catchy chorus punctuates churning verses with a piano sparking the arrangement, "'Not I,' said the man standing on the street, 'I only heard about it watching TV. What's that fighting about anyway? They must be doing it for me for some reason they say.'" "Eagles Coat" is an intriguing track, kind of a soft poetic rap with the vocals mixed low like an instrument, "He was ready for a good time." "Freedom Flashing" sounds like a renegade track from the folk era of the 60s, "Sounds of freedom flashing upon the universe, for every soul forsaken & for every grain accursed." Other tracks like the opener "Castaways" & "I Think He Understands" are also strong. This independent release has meat to it, not for superficial listening, nevertheless rewarding."
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.