Crochet in miniature #1 by Ruth Hanke. Ruth has crocheted for more than 60 years and has written this crochet book and patterns for the "real big world". This is the first miniature crochet book designed entirely by Ruth. Some of the items include mini snowflakes, Christmas stocking, baby clothes, Christmas cone, baskets, hats and more. Color pictures included.


Laura's Christening outfit

Timothy's Romper


Raggedy Boy & Raggedy Girl

Melanie's outfit

Krista's outfit

Sailer suit

Baby Layette

Baby Rug

Christmas stockings - small

Christmas Cone


Small Doilies

Flowers, Leaves & bows


Basket for Flowers

Victorian Fan

Supplies for crochet work

Dolls - Porcelain, plastic, composition

Doily Template, Sew Bow Directions

Crochet Abbreviations & Stitches

Basic Crochet Directions