Become You by Indigo Girls Cd

1 Moment of Forgiveness

2 Deconstruction

3 Become You

4 You've Got To Show

5 Yield

6 Collecting You

7 Hope Alone

8 Bitterroot

9 Our Deliverance

10 Starkville

11 She's Saving Me

12 Nuevas Senorita

Three years after the experimental and not-always-successful Come on Now Social, the Indigo Girls return to a more traditional framework with the acoustic-based Become You. A deft melding of folk, rock, and pop--and laced with Latin and soul around the edges--Become You gets to the heart of what Amy Ray (the rocking half) and Emily Saliers (the gentler half) do best: chronicle the complexities of love and socio-sexual politics from a feminist viewpoint. While the seductive and full-bodied melodies leave plenty of expanse for the duo's gauzy, hand-in-glove harmonies, the majority of the repertoire here carries an undercurrent of dissatisfaction and anxiety, whether about the outcome of a rocky love affair ("Moment of Forgiveness"), the still-extant racism in the South ("Become You"), or the ultimate fate of the Mexican women who fight for change with the Zapatistas ("Nuevas Senoritas"). Poignant, thought provoking, and beautifully crafted, with rapt attention to the interplay of instruments as well as voices, Become You finds Ray and Saliers back in top form and as relevant in 2002 as at the start of their 15-year career. --Alanna Nash
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.