Jest Star's tasty and mild-flavored red fruit matures early with tremendous yields. Home gardeners will enjoy large, attractive, globe-shaped tomatoes with very few scars or cracks. This popular and versatile slicer is delicious on sandwiches and in salads...great for canning, too. Tomatoes can be grown easily in patio containers. Be sure to offer a large enough pot, and place it in a full-sun location. Support plants with stakes or cages to ensure proper fruiting. Be sure to monitor water, as containers dry out more quickly than plants in the ground. Plant tomatoes in the ground 24 to 36 in. (60 to 90 cm) apart in rows. Each row should be spaced 48 inches apart. It's very tempting to put them closer at planting time, but if you get them too close you'll only increase the chance of disease. Use slow-release fertilizer at planting time. Choose a sunny location (6+ hours of sun) and dig a hole about two times as wide as your pot. Remove your plant from the pot by loosening the soil and tipping it out into your hand. Plant tomatoes deep in the soil ? up to the top two leaf nodes. The tiny hairs on the stalk have the potential to become additional roots, which will stabilize your plant well in the soil. Refill the space around your plant with soil and press lightly to compact the dirt, keeping your plant firmly in the ground. Water immediately to settle the soil, and add more soil as needed, bringing it level to the rest of your garden. You'll need stakes or wire tomato cages to support the plants and keep the fruit off the ground where it might rot.
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Color: red