Vintage original script from the classic 1990's/2000's crime drama television series, NYPD BLUE, created by David Milch and Steven Bochco. It is from Season 10, Episode 22, which was entitled 22 Skidoo, written by Nicholas Wootton and Matt Olmstead. In this episode, Rita is finding it harder and harder to deal with John's flaunting his relationship with Jennifer in her face and requests a transfer. Andy and Connie plan an "under-the-radar" wedding. When a Korean, a Pakistani, and an Arabian-American are all gunned down, initial suspicion falls on a Korean young man, posing as an honors student while running a gang. Fraker shows up at the squad, ranting at both Sipowicz and Lt. Rodriguez after the revelation of his affair, which neither had a hand in revealing.
This vintage original script (which does not indicate whether it is a draft, final, shooting script, etc. on the title page) is no. 22 as indicated in the top right corner. It consists of four acts in 56 pages on white stock which have been 3-hole punched and bound with two metal grommets between a white cardstock front and back cover. It is complete in overall fine+ condition. There was a label affixed to the front cover near the top right corner which was removed and took some of the surface paper with it. There is some light scuffing in the bottom right corner and signs of wear around both grommets. Some of the interior pages have a small diagonal crease on the top right corners and a smaller crease on the bottom right corners. The title page has a light 3 in. diagonal crease beneath the top right corner. The back cover has smudges along the left edge.